Club Policies
The Club
TDSC is formed as a “Members Club” and has adopted the Swim England Model Constitution as recommended by Swim England and as updated by them from time to time (and adopted by TSDC as required by vote of its members, typically at the AGM). The constitution can be found by following this link.
A members club does not have separate legal existence from its members and therefore it is important that members are familiar with the constitution of the Club as this forms the basis of their membership and the contractual relationship between the members. Members are required to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Club as well as the rules and regulations of Swim England. These include:
Code of Conduct - all members through their membership of the Club and Swim England have agreed to adhere to the relevant Code of Conduct which are available to view here and continued membership of the club by a member is acceptance of adherence to the Code of Conduct.
GDPR (as an addendum to the constitution here)
Social Media here
Zoom Code of Conduct here
Complaints Policy here
Wavepower here
Swim England Handbook here
If any conflict arises between any policy or guidance, in all instances Wavepower and the Swim England Handbook will prevail.
Clubs are under the control of the members themselves and it is the members that must see the rules are observed and support the Club in its mission in delivering aquatics. The day to day administration of the Club is delegated to the control of the Club Officers and the Committee.
A list of the Committee Members and Club Officers is available here. The Committee and Club Officers are vested with certain decision making powers and responsibilities in order to undertake the day to day running of the Club and will be subject to other legal duties such as confidentiality.
Code of Conduct For Comittee Members Officials And Volunteers
The Meet Fee Policy
Equality And Diversity Policy
Taunton Deanne Swimming Club is committed to treating everyone equally regardless of their age, level of ability or disability, gender (including gender reassignment), marital and civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or any other relevant characteristic.
Taunton Deanne Swimming Club will ensure that equality is incorporated in all aspects of its activities.
Taunton Deanne Swimming Club is committed to the principles and practice of equality of opportunity in all its functions: as an employer, membership organisation, awarding body, in its training and development of teachers and coaches; involvement with officials and administrators; as an advisor to swimming pool designers and operators and as a facilitator of the aquatic disciplines by all its members. It is responsible for ensuring that no job applicant, employee, volunteer, member, service user or person within its jurisdiction are unlawfully discriminated against because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (together the "Protected Characteristics under the Equality Act 2010") or any other irrelevant characteristic.
Taunton Deanne Swimming Club considers the aquatic disciplines to provide “sport for all”. They can and should be made accessible to everyone, to the greatest extent possible.
Taunton Deanne Swimming club aims to build a culture that values meritocracy, openness, fairness, respect and transparency. This is in keeping with the corporate values of respect and belief, commitment and support, innovation and drive, openness and trust. To that end, all employees, volunteers, clients, members, suppliers and contractors whether permanent or temporary are responsible for the promotion and advancement of this Equality Policy.
Taunton Deanne Swimming Club recognises the need to provide different and diverse opportunities as a means of creating entitlement and access, to ensure that all are given the same opportunities regardless of their protected characteristics and or socio-economic backgrounds, fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination and values the differences that a diverse workforce brings to Taunton Deanne swimming club. Our Policy has been produced to try to prevent and address any unlawful discrimination or other unfair treatment, whether intentional or unintentional, direct or indirect, against the workforce.
Taunton Deanne swimming club will seek advice each time this Policy is reviewed to ensure it continues to reflect the current legal framework and good practice. All members have a responsibility to challenge discriminatory behaviour and to promote equality of opportunity Taunton Deanne Swimming Club will deal with any incidents of discriminatory behaviour seriously, in accordance with the organisation s disciplinary procedures.
Taunton Deanne Swimming Club seeks to fulfil Swim England’s Equality and Diversity Policy objectives. The full Swim England Equality and Diversity Policy can be found here.