


Club fees are payable monthly in advance. Fees comprise of a training fee and an annual charge payabe in January of each year. The annual charge comprises of Swim England and regional/county fees as well as administration costs. Training fees are calculated over a 12 month period and levelled out to take into account the summer break and holiday periods. The annual charge is charged as a joining fee to new members who join through the year.

Any member wishing to resign must provide one months’ prior notice. TDSC may notify Swim England in the event of arrears and therefore it is important that members provide the required notice.

In accordance with the Club’s constitution, any member whose fees are outstanding for one month may be suspended. A member is deemed as having resigned from that Club if Club fees remain unpaid for three months or more. The Club is required to inform both Swim England the relevant Swim England Region should a member resign or have their membership terminated when still owing money or property to the Club.

In certain exceptional circumstances the Club may agree to pause squad fees. These requests are considered individually and exceptionally and are solely at the discretion of the Committee to whom such requests should be addressed via the Club Administrator. 

Special Memberships

The Club does offer an option for University Swimmers to swim in the holidays and may enter limited arrangements in concert with other local Clubs in discussion with the coach at that Club to support a small number of swimmers where the “Home Club” in unable to facilitate sufficient training and may seek a maximum of two “top up” sessions with TDSC (Network Swimmers) - please contact with Club Administrator for further information. These are discretionary and subject to availability.