Regional Age Group Squad

Regional Age Group Squad

Regional Age Group Squad is the start of the high level commitment required on the journey to performance swimming at Taunton Deane Swimming Club and athletes selected for this squad will have gained County Qualifying times or be very close to the time standards required for County Qualifying. They will already be competing regularly in Club Champs, Time Trials, Level 4 and Level 3 Open Meets, County Development Meet and team competitions. The squad has a minimum attendance requirement of 4 sessions per week. 

Regional Age athletes will receive individualised training and competition programme with targeted swim meets and targeted events and a land conditioning development plan. All athletes in P3 will compete regularly both in team and individual galas. The main target meets for this squad: (Early Season) Short Course L2, Club Champs, TDSC L3, (Mid-Season) Counties, TDSC L3 and WSM L3 (Late Season) L3 TBC and Welsh Open.

Criteria to move into this group are based on the following things:

3 fly kicks off every wall in training

Shows good technique: 200m freestyle, 100 backstroke, 50 Breaststroke & 50 Butterfly kick, all with good technique and correct turns.

Coachability: Listens well, works hard to develop technique and skills

Great Work Ethic

Great Teammate

Competes regularly in target meets, time trials plus others and team competitions

Kit Requirements:

Injury & Illness

After illness, a structure reintegration programme will be followed building back to full attendance. If athletes become injured, a structured land conditioning/pool programme will be followed during training sessions.

Swimmers in this squad will be measured standing/sitting height, arm span and assessed to help their functional movement through their physical development.

Failure to continually comply with the above standards may result in athletes losing their position in the squad

Timetable Website 2024